Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > 1000 postcards received!


We have just reached another great milestone! For the first time, a Postcrossing member received his 1000th postcard! Congratulations Wyando! That’s a very impressive mark and we couldn’t be happier about helping with such.

We asked Wyando to share with everyone how this experience has been for him, which he kindly accepted:

Woha! 1000 postcards received. This is really incredible…

End July 2005 it all started. I remember I was on vacation in Stockholm checking on my mails and in the bookcrossing forum they mentioned this new site, where you could send and get postcards to and from all over the world. Fascinated, I thought, and switched over to that new website, curious to know how this would worked. And before I realized what I was doing, I already had signed up and got my first 3 addresses…

And now, almost 3,5 years later, I must admit, that it’s still fun. Although, there was a time, where I’ve been thinking of quitting anyway, due those inactive accounts and cards which never arrived their targets (even sending them twice or more cards!). Waiting for addresses has always been very though those days. But then the new rule of multiple addresses came up and this is the best thing what could have been done. More postcards on the way so that even if some of them expire, it does not affect your habits in sending a new card on the way…

Although one of the habits that has been changed by this new rule: I’ve started to create my own sets of postcards created by some pictures I shoot myself on my city. So called (numbered) Limited Editions. Till now I have 5 sets created of each 100 cards and the next set is in preparation (cat lovers will love that one for sure ;) . At least I hope this way to have something special (and from the reactions I’ve got, it seems to be), even if I often don’t know to write something interesting in my cacography ;)

Receiving cards on the other side starts slowly to become an everyday surprise (BTW, not only for me, but also for our secretary, who is getting the mails first – I use my works address to get those cards). It is a nice distraction from the daily job and each card is so unique, different. It would be hard to decide, which ones of those 1000 I prefer. Of course, all wolves cards are high price, but really, every card I get is interesting somehow. Besides, mostly there are also nice stamps to look at. Nevertheless, I have to admit, that one card I’ve got is really very special. Earlier this year, I got a card sent from Norway. It was a limited Edition postcard from Pink Floyd’s The Wall. And although my profile mentioning I like Pink Floyd, The Wall is one of my favorite albums (and film) so you can guess what this card meant to me. Thanks again, Joey!

From time to time I’ve been asked, what do I do with all those cards. Well, first they stay a while at work (and there I’ll pick some kind of “card of the week”). Since we now have that beautiful function of uploading cards to this website, I’ll try to scan them in between. After that while, I’ll take them home and store them in a big box for now. Now and then, I flip through the cards. And to be honest, I still don’t know what’s the best way to categorize them…

What’s next?
Well, keeping up with the cards as long as this whole addicting hobby is fun :) Receiving wonderful cards which makes me smile (either by the picture or what is written) and hoping that the cards I’m sending will create pleasure. And to scan and upload the cards I’ve received in the last years – that already will be a hell of job (and sure take its time).

Thanks Paulo for this wonderful idea!
Thanks Paulo & the DevTeam for this wonderful Website!
Thanks all participants in sending postcards all over the world.


P.S. Some of you may know me due the Personalized Statistics.
For those interested in my 1000 cards statistics, I’ve created a snapshot here.

Once again, congratulations Wyando! We hope you receive many more! As a bonus, here are a couple of photos of Wyando’s busy mailbox:


18 comments so far

phuleshouse, Canada

Congratulations! I am pleased as well and hooked with postcrossing. I have impatient moments as well waiting for the other person to register the card. I can't wait to hear a response and I look forward to send the next one just as much as receiving. I have correspond with many wonderful people in the last six months. Maybe, sometime you will receive a card from me.

Fedow, Italy

Congratulations! =)
...and I say together with you, "Thanks Paulo & the DevTeam for this wonderful Website!"

willemijn, Netherlands

You didn't reveal your secret. How do you do it so very fast?? Your bed's a mailbox, your lover a postman, your secretary your private driver??

isagv, Germany

Gefeliciteerd! :-)

toucans, United Kingdom

Congratulations, Wyando!

Mundoo, Australia

Congratulations and your mail box is certainly large enough to accomodate all those postcards. I have sent half the amount as you but have double the distance. Funny how it works out in the world. Thank you for your kind words on the Team.

Geminiscp, Portugal


extravaganza, United States of America

Congratulations and hope you receive M O R E !!

kleiva, Lithuania

Wow. Congratulations, Wyando! It's incredible.

Juliee, United States of America

Congratulations Wyando :)

kazinhabueno, Brazil

Congratulations!!! Parabéns!!!

kela79, Finland

CONGRATULATIONS!!!:)))Wow!!!1000 received official cards in 3,5 years that´s amazing!!!I´ve now in my total viewcards-collection 1007 cards so I can imagine how much work it´s behind all your cards too...but it´s also the best hobby ever!!!:))
Very interesting article you wrote Wyando and I hope this year will bring you a lot of nice cards too!!:)
A big thank you to Postcrossing that are making our life much happier!

markeroni, United States of America

What fun! I don't think there would be enough room in my home for a thousand cards ;)

geri4hanson, France

Congratulations ! That's really awesome !

sonataca, United States of America

Congratulations! You are like my postcrossing idol! :P
I enjoyed reading your interview. You are one heck of a postcrosser, hopefully one day you will get my address or I will!

Tjitske, Netherlands

Wow, that's awesome! I must admit I'm a little jealous; being able to send and receive so many lucky one! Congrats!

death-of-rats, Germany

Congratulations Wyando and keep the speed up...
so in 3 1/2 years time we'll party the 2k's ;-)

silencelee, China

WOW,an Extraordinary Mailbox!!
