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Blog > Guimarães 2012 school initiative - postcards received!


Earlier in February this year, we asked you to send some postcards to a school in Guimarães (Portugal), whose students were working on a European Capital of Culture project. They’ve received an avalanche of cards from all over the world – so many that they decided to do several postcard-mosaics instead of a single one! :)

Postcrossing @ Escola Martins Sarmento

As you can see, the mosaics were displayed in several windows of the school, so that the postcards were easily accessible from both sides. The project was very well received – so much so that it is still being displayed, months after it’s conclusion date!

You can see the four mosaics below (click for bigger images):

Postcrossing @ Escola Martins Sarmento Postcrossing @ Escola Martins Sarmento Postcrossing @ Escola Martins Sarmento Postcrossing @ Escola Martins Sarmento

Did you spot your postcard? :)

The students have also made thank-you postcards themselves, which they’ve sent back to some of the senders during their English classes.

A big congratulations to the students and teachers of the Escola Secundária Martins Sarmento, and a huge thank you (from them and us) to all the postcrossers who sent a card to this school!

31 comments so far

peacock, Russia

It'a pity I've missed the article & didn't partcipate in that project. Great to see such amount of colourful postcards arranged in the form of hearts!

ForAgo34, Russia

Wow, so an intresting project! Urfortunately I didn't send any cards, because in Februaly I wasn't a postcrosser :D
The cards are very cute, and it was a good project to arrange them like hearts :p

radiofan, Austria

I sent a card from Linz, a former European Capital of Culture (2009) - and I found the card in heart No3!
Greetings to the students and teachers! I liked the idea of that project!

MrsRollTide, United States of America

I sent a card but didn't see mine. I hope they got it.

MirjamNL, Netherlands

Yes! I did spot the card I sent. Good to see and read what became of the project.

jjmedusa, United States of America

I sent them a card, but don't see mine in their collages. I have not received anything back from them (yet?).

Postcvw, Netherlands

I spotted my hot air balloon card imediately!

marica_t, United States of America

How awesome! :)

Geminiscp, Portugal

looks cute! :)

nugget, United States of America

Thanks for the update. I sent a card and it's nice to hear about what they did with all the cards they received. Looks like a great project!

Mundoo, Australia

Great to see what they got and how it is still 'educating' long past the project.

I see my postcard.

bodrumlu, Türkiye


Manganet, United Kingdom

Awsome! :D

OrianaHH, United States of America

I SAW MINE! It was the one with the brown background with all of the US famous spots! Thought that was really cool to finally see it! Thanks again Postcrossing!

Ssabalongo, Uganda

I saw mine too ! The Tiger in the 3rd Heart !
Thanx !
I am happy i am part of the project :)

rosenbusch, Germany

I think I sent a postcard, too. A nice project to arrange the postcards like hearts. I hope, they got my card. I cannot see it....
You promise a reply like the museum with the dragon exhibition? Or not?

CLACLA12, United States of America

Too bad I didn't get a chance to participate in this project. I will pay more attention to the articles on this site next time.

HofVliet, Netherlands

I have sent a card, but I can't remember what I sent. I love the heart mosaic's.

Depechechrissy, Germany

No, then mine is gone :(

Vitor_Luiz, Brazil

Hi We sent them a card. They promissed to send a card it travelling??

idus, Germany

Great project!
And wonderful that so many Postcrossers participated.

San-san, Germany

Ah, so glad to see what they did with the cards. Mine is in heart 3, the colored swirls.

amit19, India

I did find my card in heart no.2 and I am glad they used it in their collage.

Marcie08, Austria

Good to know what happened with the project :) I did not find my card though.

Crisfafe, Portugal

Well, first of all, thank you again for participating in this project. Those of you who haven't found your card in the hearts, please send me a description of it as a private message. There were some that came too late for being there, and some that were displayed alone because there weren't enough for a fifth heart.
Vitor_Luiz said "They promised to send a card back". Well, we promised to send 20 postcards. Unfortunately we don't have budget to send one to all the 262 participants. But I hope the 20 'lucky ones' enjoy their hand-painted postcards :)
We promised to send an e-mail to all who had an e-mail address there. We are still trying to finish this task, due to the amount of postcards received.

Luziaceleste, Brazil

I am happy to see mine on heart 1! I was teacher for many years and this sort of action is exciting. Congrats to Guimarães team and postcrossing to allow us to join the project.
And thanks for sharing results!

juytters, Belgium

I found my card!

ReginaC, Brazil

Unfortunately,I saw so late this marvelous project and I didnt participate...Perhaps in another I'll be more alert!...
So beautiful idea: hearts with the cards,I'm enchanted!
I send my congratulations!

Chriz, Netherlands

Yeh, it was a very nice project and i spotted my postcard in heart 4. Good job!


KriMeeka, Germany

Yap I saw mine!

BrianRobson, United Kingdom

Mine's in the fourth heart, near Postcvw's balloons.

Great project, and really cool to see the finished product :)


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